Tradeshows and Seminars
To Attend or Not to Attend: That is the Question
By Nancy Ward
Many of us come up with excuses NOT to attend a Tradeshow/Seminar:
“I’ve not been in business long. Are you nuts? I can’t afford to go to those shows!”
“Hey, I’ve been in business a few years now. I don’t need to take time off to go to those shows. I’m doing okay.”
“Why should I go to a seminar/tradeshow? I’ve been in business for years and I’ve got everything down pat. There’s nothing to be learned as far as I’m concerned. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
“I’m only in the planning stages. I’m getting ready to open a new daycare facility that offers grooming and boarding. So, I’m not ready to attend yet. I need to save my funds for the new facility.”
Of course there are a few legitimate Reasons NOT to attend a Tradeshow/Seminar:
“I’m on the cutting edge of everything going on in the industry, there’s nothing left to learn.”
“I make so much money, I’d feel guilty if I learned new things that increased my income even more.”
Unless you fall under the ‘Reasons’ category, you’re simply making ‘Excuses’ not to attend the tradeshows/seminars. My guess is that most of you fall into the excuse category. Let’s discuss these excuses a little more in depth. No matter what excuse you use - they are just that; excuses, and not valid reasons. No matter the length of time in the industry or knowledge level, we can all benefit from attending these events.

Petboarding & Daycare Expo 2013
If you’ve only been open a very short while, you really can’t afford NOT to go! The shows are such a great place to network, talk with other kennel and daycare owners and make contacts that often result in long term beneficial friendships. You can talk to veteran owners that can help you avoid pitfalls and make the best use of your monies. We’ll discuss how to cut down on the expense of the shows later in the article.
For those of you who’ve been around a few years, I’m sad if you’re satisfied with “doing okay.” Me personally, I want to do the very best I can. I want to continue to learn and grow in knowledge and stay on top of new trends in the industry. I don’t want to be just a place to board dogs/cats. I want to be THE destination for fur-kids. I want to provide the very best care to these ‘kids.’ I can only do that if I’m current on new techniques, new methods of handling stress in pets, how to meet nutritional needs, etc. Seminars are the best place to gather that knowledge. Having an up-to-date facility, a knowledgeable team and knowing how to market my business add up to making my facility stand out from my competitors. There’s so much to learn, so many new products, ideas and timesaving techniques. What better way to learn than at the seminars?
The hardcore, dyed in the wool, long time business owners who are successful are already taking advantage of all that tradeshows/seminars have to offer. That’s how they stay on top of the game and ahead of the competition. They make attendance at the shows part of their continuing education plan. Where does that leave some of us? In need of a little convincing, no doubt. In the 80’s I owned a large kennel with all the bells and whistles. The latest safety features, air control and ventilation systems, cleaning systems and play areas were all in place at that facility. My clients all thought it was top notch. Pet parents today would be less than impressed with that facility. Why? Pet parents today have a totally different perspective of their pets and in turn, what they want in a lodging facility. Owners today have much higher expectations. So, your facility has to be able to meet or exceed those standards. Trade shows are invaluable in this aspect as they offer the latest in all phases of running a kennel. You’ll come away from the shows with practical ways to give your older facility a brand new look.
So, your dream facility is just that - a dream. You’ve got lots of great ideas, but it’s all a little overwhelming. What do you really need and what about all those zoning codes and OSHA requirements? Well, it can be a little overwhelming to say the least. Now is the perfect time to attend seminars and trade shows; BEFORE you open the doors. Attend as many shows as possible to see what is out there for the industry, how to market, what kind of bedding to use and answers to your many other questions. You’ll probably discover the answers to issues you hadn’t even thought of!
The cost of attending is always brought up when I encourage folks to attend the shows. Roommates are a great way to cut down on the cost. When you share gas and room bills with one or more persons, it makes attending affordable to even those on very tight budgets. Pack some snacks – well in my case, LOTS of snacks, that cuts down on the cost as well. I met a groomer/kennel owner at one of the very first shows I attended years ago. We decided to travel and room together as a cost saving measure. What it turned into was a longtime friendship. That time in the car is great for bouncing around new ideas, see what’s working for each other and what’s not. So, start saving your tip money and plan ahead for the shows. My clients appreciate my desire to continue my education and search for new products that are beneficial to the care of their ‘babies.’
At the first Pet Boarding and Daycare seminar, I found a treadmill. What a great investment - a cash cow. I would never have bought one just from an ad in a trade publication. It was seeing it in action, first hand that sold me on it. Since I’m the only facility in the area to have one, it’s a great marketing tool. Besides offering true health benefits for the pets, it’s one more reason my facility stands out from the competition. Getting to see different flooring material, new bedding options, suite dividers, etc. is invaluable. I can touch, see and ask questions and make better buying decisions. Only tradeshows can offer the opportunity to do so much in one place. Attending the seminars alone will pay for the cost of the trip. I had offered Spa Packages in my grooming salon, but never thought about offering them in my kennel. Years ago at Groom Expo in Hershey, PA, I attended a seminar on marketing your kennel. I came home and implemented one idea from that seminar. Lodging Special packages that change monthly have proven to be very successful both in terms of customer satisfaction and increased income.
Now, what was your excuse for not attending? I thought so, you just ran out of them. I’d love to share ideas, network with you or just plain visit at the next show. So, I’ll see you at All-American in Chicago, Groom Expo in Hershey, PA or Pet Boarding and Daycare in Hershey, PA. See you there!