The Other Side of the Magazine
By Rebecca Shipman
It’s been nearly three months since I’ve joined the Barkleigh Productions family and became the managing editor for Pet Boarding & Daycare magazine.
I’ve always been an animal lover and I worked at a rescue/boarding kennel myself for nearly a year. I’ve broken up dog fights, chased down loose dogs and scooped more than my share of poop. So I know what it’s like on the other side of the magazine!

Rebecca Shipman - Managing Editor
The last thing that any animal related profession would be considered is glamourous. So I was more than happy to accept the job at Barkleigh Productions, where I don’t have to clean up dog poop (at least not yet…) but still have a tie to the animal industry.
With this experience, I hope to help provide you with informative, helpful articles to make your businesses run smoother (and more profitable!)
In this issue you will find some great business, health and facility articles.
The ‘Common and Costly Diseases’ article by The Outstanding Pet Care University has some great facts about those dreaded contagious ‘kennel’ diseases, followed by a quiz to test your knowledge.
Are you renovating an existing structure or putting in a new floor? ‘Buyer Beware’ by Rick Bacon and ‘SMART Floor’ by Jeff Adney will provide some great tips.
As with any business, there are the slow times and you might find yourself with some empty kennels. In this issue we have ‘Making Money in the Slow Seasons’ by Melanie Haber, which gives you some great and fun ideas for increasing profits and expanding your customer base.
I’m looking forward to being a part of this growing industry and I hope that Pet Boarding & Daycare will continue to be every boarding and daycare owner’s favorite magazine!