From Our Readers
“For My Dog’s Sake”
I love you most,
I love you dear,
And this is how I’ll keep you near,
Leash in hand,
Me in tow,
Down a dusty trail we go,
Running leaping keeping down,
Those sneaking weighing extra pounds,
The sun has set and it is time,
To fill his bowl or hear him whine,
I love you most,
I love you dear,
And this is how I’ll keep you near,
Withhold all fats and salty treats,
To keep your waist so nice and sleek,
Your eyes do beg and plead for more,
But strong I am, for I adore,
The legs and back that bound and leap,
That jump and fly the air to meet,
My encircling arms that now can hold
That slender hound I’ve known of old,
My joy,
My love, of toothy kisses,
That I won’t hurt,
Or soon be missin
– Christine Pedzik
Pedzik’s Pets Boarding and Professional Grooming
New Boston, NH
Question of the Day!
Staff: What qualities do you appreciate in an owner/manager?
As a kennel employee, based on my past experiences, I appreciate:
- Mutual trustworthiness
- Safe facility for both dogs and people
- Consistent protocol and expectations
- Positive reinforcement
- Fair pay with opportunities for raises and/or advancement based on performance
- “Open door” policy between employee and manager
- Genuine concern for the welfare of the dog and humane handling
These are the big ones for me! I honestly love working in this industry. Great question!
– Chelsea Teisberg
Owners/Managers: What qualities do you look for in an employee?
I look for fun people who have held jobs longer than a year!
– Traci Webb Whitside
What adjustments did you make to your facility/operations during the January lull?
Close up for two weeks vaca in the Caribbean... to refresh... cause you know we all work seven days a week... and 16+ hours all the other months of the year... then come back and get all face lift projects done... and ready to start fresh a new year.
– Sherri Oberholtzer
We do lots of “spring cleaning” in the winter—although the Caribbean sounds much better!
– Dogs’ Inn, Inc
It’s time to paint and touch up anything that’s on the “to do list.” This January, however, our daycare has exploded, making up for the lull in boarders. And for that I’m thankful!
– Lisa Chafee
As an employee, I love using slow times to finally get to the projects that we’ve had to put off due to being busy caring for the animals!
– Chelsea Teisberg
We concentrate on dayplay activities, special events, and holiday themes. It has been a big hit with our clients!
– Paw’s-n-Claw’s Pet Care Palace
How are you and your facility coping with the cold and snowy weather of this winter?
Our play yard doors have full length see-through freezer slats—really helps the utility bill. Our staff dresses appropriately—warm layers/boots. We make sure to provide staff with warm beverages. Will buy a snow blower next year to reduce the time for hand shoveling the parking lot. Make sure to buy pet safe snow melt. The dogs really love the colder weather and are very active.
– Dogs’ Inn, Inc
We walk laps in our play area to keep warm and put plastic over any doors and windows.
– Eve Zellmer
I’m embarrassed to admit my facility is in California and we start freaking out when there is a sprinkle in the sky and under 60 degrees! Shame on us!
– Lisa Chafee
Even though it’s a 100-year-old barn, we have renovated almost 95% of the business space used. The dogs can play inside or out. We limit play in sub-zero temps. Plus I got the staff cocoa for the Keurig machine.
– Beth Trifero Clark
To read more questions and answers, visit bit.ly/pbdqanda
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