From Our Readers
“Locked Up and Late”
As a one-owner, small doggie daycare, I struggle sometimes with clients being late and it really messes up my schedule. I’m going to say 75% of the time, it’s families with children because it is what it is, right? Well, this family (whom I promised not to use their name in between laughing so hard I was wetting my pants) gets the award for Best Reason to be Late for their Drop off Appointment. The very sweet mom called to say that her son ‘accidentally’ got ahold of her husbands handcuffs and put them around his little feet and they don’t have a key. I should say that her husband is a PI, just to be clear with WHY they would have handcuffs at their house. Luckily, they don’t have to catch a flight anywhere. This will be a story that she can tell her grandchildren someday.
– Lisa Martin
Critter Sitters Boarding and Grooming
Stockbridge, WI
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