Tails & Tales
from pet professionals like you!
We have a couple with a Chocolate Labradoodle who are long-time clients for both boarding and grooming. The wife decides when a groom is needed, but the husband hates to see his dog’s hair cut. We sometimes “sneak” in an appointment so that the groom is done while he is at work. Once he picked up [...] his shiny, manly cologne-scented, beautiful dog with a Snoopy print Fourth of July scarf. When I asked him if everything was alright, he gruffly said, “No!” and stomped out the door. Sigh... Yet they are loyal and frequent customers.
Nancy S.
I found a tick on a dog, and I removed it and cleaned the area. When I told the owner about a tick on her dog, she broke down crying at the desk, saying, “I am such a bad mommy!” No need to cry and have a breakdown, lady.
Crystal F.
Send us your stories!
Have an embarrassing “oops” moment at your facility or a crazy client – on two or four legs? Tell us about it! Email your true tale (no more than 200 words, please!) to [email protected], and you just might see yourself in the next issue of Pet Boarding & Daycare!