Pet Boarding & Daycare

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Behind the Study: URIs in Felines Significantly Decreased with UV Air Disinfection

Behind the Study: URIs in Felines Significantly Decreased with UV Air Disinfection

…UV air cleaning systems for indoor environments. For more information, visit for animal environments and for human environments. References: 1. Wardley RC, Povey RC. Aerosol transmission of Feline…

Up Your Cat Boarding Game with Themed Packages

Up Your Cat Boarding Game with Themed Packages

…can be very exciting for your business and are a great way to attract new clients while providing new experiences for your regular feline boarders. When initiating any new program…

6 Reasons Why Marketing Automation Software Can Benefit Your Pet Business

6 Reasons Why Marketing Automation Software Can Benefit Your Pet Business

…not convert, the likelihood of losing that customers to the competition increases drastically. So, what is marketing automation? In short, marketing automation helps when it comes to attracting, engaging and

We Are In the People Business (Not the Pet Business)

We Are In the People Business (Not the Pet Business)

…when a customer complains publicly about your facility. Humans will be humans, and not every single person that walks through your doors will LOVE your facility. There are those that…

Online Reservations: Convenience at What Cost?

Online Reservations: Convenience at What Cost?

…how wonderful your services are. Commoditization means the lowest price and easiest transaction wins. You likely can’t compete with some of the fierce competitors of today—especially app–based pet sitters that…

How to Start a Fight with a Client in Just One Sentence

How to Start a Fight with a Client in Just One Sentence

…In reality, the team member saying this to a client either a) does not understand how to communicate procedures to a situation correctly, or b) is ignoring the fact that…

Winter Activities to Keep Your Daycare Dogs Engaged

Winter Activities to Keep Your Daycare Dogs Engaged

…be day after day of drab and dreary. Here are a few ideas for burning off those zoomies, even if you’re stuck inside. Enrichment Enrichment is a common word you…

Offering a Health Care Warranty in Your Resort

Offering a Health Care Warranty in Your Resort

…the school to pay for the doctor visit. Although the example and comparison to children in school is actually very true, it has been my experience that having these types…

4 Reasons Great Management Matters

4 Reasons Great Management Matters

…• You are filling your boarding and daycare building. Competition is at a frenzied pitch. Friends, family, chains and the in–home networks like, Wag and make it more…



The (Almost) Self Cleaning Kennel

The (Almost) Self Cleaning Kennel

…Patrol working dog kennels, here in the United States of America, and in other countries around the world, since 2003. Craig may be contacted at 877-234-2301, or through

Attract Your Ideal Cat Clients With Add-On Services

Attract Your Ideal Cat Clients With Add-On Services

…it may be best to charge by the time the task takes to complete.  Creature Comforts The add-on category of creature comforts can be very profitable to your business. The…