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Did you know that more than 1 in 3 cats1 and 1 in 10 dogs2 will be impacted by kidney disease in their lifetimes? Recent studies suggest numbers might be even higher, with more than half of cats over 15 years old being afflicted.3 So, what does this mean for you? It’s another opportunity for […]
Hershey, Pennsylvania A new program titled Pet Pro Panel Discussion will make its debut on Monday afternoon, for those coming in early and wanting to be a part of a round–table type of discussion on all things boarding and daycare. This four hour program will feature four industry experts there to answer your questions and […]
Part One of this article outlined strategies for comprehensive assessments for new dogs coming into daycare or boarding. Part Two will outline training plans for accommodating unwanted behaviors. Deciding which behaviors can be accommodated by staff ahead of time is important. Equally important is deciding which behaviors will be accommodated for free and which behaviors […]
Imagine a dog in nature. It has instinctive reactions that jump-start survival. Those instincts are not sufficient to protect the dog in all cases. Learned behaviors are added that modify and augment instincts to give the animal a chance to survive in a complex, often hostile world. The most basic form of learning is making […]
When a pet owner visits your website, what do you think they are looking for? Consciously, it’s typically basic information—who are you, what do you do, where do you do it? But unconsciously, what they’re really asking is, “Can I trust you?” We instinctively look for trust whenever we are evaluating a new relationship. The […]
Just like any other business, running a successful pet care facility requires you to perform effectively in four major areas. When each area is executed well, it synergistically propels a company’s success. However, when any area is lacking, it lessens the impact of the other three and your overall returns. The four pillars that either […]
ALL IN THE FAMILY Nestled on a wooded knoll, completely hidden from the outside world, Misty Pines Pet Company and Dog Park is a little slice of heaven for pets and their owners. Located in Sewickley, Pennsylvania since 1975, Misty Pines has built a solid reputation of providing the highest quality of pet care services […]
“My friend and I are opening a “natural care” kennel for pets. We are very excited about the concept and wanted to get your advice on the idea. We saw you speak at the Pet Boarding and Daycare Expo in Hershey and really enjoyed your perspective. Thanks for your input!” –Sally S. Dear Sally, The […]
In this article we will look at some types of swimming pools and their related equipment. We will take a look at some of the differences between pools intended for people vs pools intended for dogs. We’ll also touch on some of the benefits you may gain by offering swimming for your boarding or daycare […]
Regardless of how nice the pet care facility environment may be, being in that environment can still be a stressful experience for many pets. Let’s look at the physiological changes that occur in the body experiencing stress, as well as environmental factors. What is Stress? We’ve all felt stress and seen animals that are stressed: […]
Why Do We Recommend Vaccination? Infectious disease has existed as long as history has been documented. In 1796, a country physician named Edward Jenner administered the first documented inoculation. Smallpox was a devastating epidemic, killing millions of people during the 20th century. Dr. Jenner had noticed that milk maids, who had been exposed to cowpox […]
When that relationship goes afoul, the entire industry pays the price. It is the responsibility of every single professional who chooses to work with a pet to self–police and commit to the protection of that pet when in their care. Animals have no voice; we are their only resource for safe and professional treatment. Anyone […]