© 2025 Barkleigh Productions
Let me guess…you would like your business to make more money? Quite a bold and obvious statement, but something I think we can all agree upon. Yes, you love what you do—nobody gets into the dog business if you don’t enjoy it—but we still need to earn a living and try to get the most […]
Let’s be real here—this sucks. Most of our businesses are either shut down or are operating on minimal capacity; we’ve had to lay off staff and no one is making any money. Add to that all the depressing media coverage, and it makes most of us just want to curl up in our pajamas and […]
Dealing with a dog that snaps at strangers? Watching over one that lunges at other dogs, barks at your co–workers or flies into a panic when handed to others? Dogs become reactive for several reasons; the most common of which are: negative associations (often reinforced by their handler’s actions) and a clash of cultural cues […]
Hiring staff to work for your pet boarding and daycare business is only a positive step if you hire the right people. The time, money and energy required to properly screen, hire and train employees should be reason enough to make sure you hire the very best staff members every time you have a job […]
Your website is the link between your company and oodles of pet parent prospects. And, it’s often your first chance to make an impression. When properly calibrated, your website is a powerful generator of new leads, but likely not the most lucrative bookings. Websites used to be like flat business cards on a screen. Now, […]
Come out for some sunshine, fun and top-notch education—to be a step ahead of the rest! The debut of our three distinct educational tracks for every level of pet care professional was a big hit at the Pet Boarding & Daycare Expo East—so we’re bringing them to the west coast! In addition to the restructuring […]
“I’m not feeding them much and they’re still fat.” Unfortunately, this is the vision some cat owners have when they think about proper nutrition. What they may not understand is the quality of the food and the proper portion size also play a role. Yes, there are some cats that chow down like puppies, […]
Many pet service business owners have the same question when it comes time to purchase equipment for their doggie daycare, kennel or grooming business: Should I pay cash for my next equipment purchase or consider financing it? There’s a saying in our industry: “Pay for today’s equipment with tomorrow’s dollars”. And for pet service providers, […]
I am often asked what types of businesses should ally with dog trainers and offer training classes. For 35+ years I have suggested the importance of this alliance to groomers and pet retailers. Over the last 20 or so years, I have added boarding kennels and daycares to that list. Here are three reasons why […]
Success doesn’t happen by accident. But, family owned and operated Pinnacle Pets Play & Stay Pet Resort is a shining example of what you can achieve when you start with a dream and are willing to work until you make that dream a reality. By anyone’s standards, Steve and Marie Robinette already had very successful […]
All pet care facilities should have a strict vaccine policy in place—it is paramount to the safety of the pets in your care, your staff and your business itself. With the ever-changing world of infection–causing organisms, your list of vaccine requirements is likely changing as well. Area veterinarians should continually be consulted about their current […]
Pets are considered furry family members by most animal owners, so it’s a big responsibility to make sure they’re properly cared for while their owners are away. That means staying on the lookout for anxious pets, and knowing how to ease their nerves when you notice they’re uncomfortable. Since dogs and other animals are parting […]