Pet Boarding & Daycare

7 Proven Blog Topics for Pet Boarding & Daycare Businesses

7 Proven Blog Topics for Pet Boarding & Daycare Businesses

By Jen Phillips April

Does coming up with blog topics sometimes feel like you’re wringing a dry sponge trying to get a last drop of water out? Not finding any inspiration? 

Not to worry. Whether you’ve written a dozen posts, or you don’t have a single idea, this article will help you find new ideas and ways to share your knowledge in customer–attracting ways. 

After all, the statistics are in favor of blogging for business. Here are three: 

Blogging every month or every week can help your business get found online, build trust and give you something to share on social media. I think you’ll agree those are all worthwhile goals that add to the bottom line. 

Done right, blogging for business is an essential marketing tool that helps your pet boarding facility stand out in your local region and become a “go–to” resource.  

Still not sure what to blog about? Not to worry. Below are seven proven, pet–oriented blog topics, plus ways to expand them and turn each topic into two or more posts, all designed to attract new customers and be a resource. 

Take it from me, there are endless pet–related topics to blog about. I’ve personally written more than one thousand pet-related blog posts since 2005. Maybe more. As you can imagine, I’ve developed a particular strategy that includes frequently searched for keyword terms, questions your customers ask, and popular blog post structures like lists and how–to posts. 

With a little practice, these will not only produce ideas right now, but also for next week, next month and maybe even next year. Write them down and keep adding to your list!

1) Think Seasonally 

In summer it makes sense to write about how to protect dogs from loud noises like fireworks and protect them from the heat. Near the holidays, people are thinking about family visits and holiday gifts, so a post about best pet gifts will go over well. 

2) Create Your Own “Best of” List

People love “best of” lists. Look at all those community “Best of” awards. What can you do “best of’” lists around? “Best” dog products? “Best” dog activities? Keep it fun, ask your staff and customers, and I’ll bet you can come up with a ton of “bests.” 

3) Answer Frequently Asked Questions

Every business gets the same questions over and over. Maybe one of yours is about playtime or what happens if one dog is aggressive toward another. You have the experience and the systems in place. Share how it works in a blog post. 

4) Share Pet Care Tips

From ways to teach a puppy to sit to tips on detangling a matted coat, you have knowledge. Your staff has knowledge. You can compile a list of the top pet care tips from [your facility name + town] or you can write a post on individual topics. 

5) Share an Opinion

What are your thoughts on CBD or raw diets? You don’t have to be a veterinarian to have an opinion, but if you have one, why not share it? Now, I can almost hear you thinking, “But I don’t want to be controversial.” That’s ok. You can share your thoughts in an educational way where you give examples. Or, if you don’t have any first-hand experience with the topic, admit it. You can say, this is a new thing and here’s what I’ve heard about it and then ask if your readers have experience with it. More than likely, they’ll be happy to share their thoughts. 

6) Introduce Your Staff

Why not do a regular Q&A feature where you introduce one of your staff to your customers? Your featured staff member can share why he/she enjoys working in pet care, if they have any special pet–related training/certifications, and add in something fun like a favorite food or movie. This is a simple way to build rapport between your staff and customers. 

7) Let Pet Holidays Be Your Guide

From World Rabies Day (September 28) to National Train Your Dog Month (January), there are 3+ pet holidays every single month4. They’re bound to stimulate your creative juices!

Notice that none of these include “how great your service is”, and that’s by design. Business blogging is all about providing solutions for problems. When you provide high quality information about pet-related topics, search engines will naturally rank your website higher, making it easier for your customers to find you. 

Now that you’ve read through these seven blog topic idea stimulators for your business, which ones gave you an “aha?” Which ones do you think you could easily turn into two or three blog post topics? 
