Pet Boarding & Daycare

6 Ways Texting Can Boost Your Pet Boarding Business

6 Ways Texting Can Boost Your Pet Boarding Business

By Jessica Ayre

Your pet boarding business needs to be in contact with your customers, and your customers want to make sure they can check in with you while their pets are in your care—and sometimes when they’re not. Speedy communication is an essential part of creating this connection and establishing trust with customers, which is where texting fits in.

Why Does Texting Matter?

It’s important to strengthen relationships with your customers, and texting helps close the gap between your pet boarding business and your customers, paving the way for repeat business and referrals. In fact, 89% of consumers prefer to text with businesses.1

The following six steps will help boost the customer service of your pet boarding business and ignite customer interactions with text messaging: 

1. Enable Pet Parents to Reach Out to You on Your Website.

Before booking a boarding stay with you, your potential customers will have questions about things like cost and special accommodations. Enable your customers to ask questions, book their pet’s stay, share vaccine records and even pay for services through text.

SMS Chat, for instance, is a widget that allows customers to start text conversations with your business on your website and then carry that conversation over to their mobile device. This is especially convenient for your business since many of these leads are coming in after hours. And it’s convenient for pet parents who are on the go!

2. Send Out Text Reminders of Reservations and Appointments.

More often than not, pet parents who are looking to board are occupied with coordinating their own travel plans, as well as making sure they show up on time to their appointment with you. 

Text reminders are a subtle but effective way to keep yourself in the loop with your clients. For example:

We’re excited to see [Pet’s Name] tomorrow between 2-5 PM! Don’t forget to send over his vaccine records and bring any special food and/or treats.

Thank you for reminding me. See you tomorrow!

Opt to text your customers instead of calling them or emailing them, especially if it’s a time-sensitive-related matter. People typically see and respond to a text within 90 seconds, whereas they’re more likely to ignore calls and emails. Texting is faster and is more likely to get a response. It also makes check-in much easier for your business!

3. Share Updates With Pet Parents While They’re Away.

While your customers are away, their pets are definitely on their minds the whole trip. As a pet care professional, you’ve got to make sure that you’re communicating with them regularly by sending photos and updates of their pets having a great time. Customers want to see their pets, and you should make it easy for them to do that. 

This extra step helps create incredible experiences for your customers and their pets, and you can parlay that into reviews, referrals and repeat business.

Make communication a breeze by texting pet parents who’ve opted in to receive texts from you. Upon scheduling an appointment through the phone or online, be sure to ask clients if they’d like to receive text message updates from you. Or, simply tell them that they’re welcome to text your business number if they have any questions

4. Upsell Additional Services.

Pet owners want the best for their pets, and even more so while they’re away on a trip. You can offer additional services to your customers while their pets are in your care. This is comforting and reassuring to your clients—knowing that their pets are being pampered with the best possible care while they’re out of town.

Consider offering things like grooming, special training classes, and daily walks or hikes. You’ll be able to give your clients peace of mind while increasing cash flow to your business. For example:

Hey, [Name]! We noticed that [Pet’s Name] nails are getting long. Want us to clip his nails? It’s just [$10]

Yes! I’ve been meaning to get that done. Thank you!

5. Conduct Billing Transactions Over Text.

Your customers are most likely on the go, and you need to make it quick and convenient for them to pay their bill wherever they are. Encourage your customers to confirm payments over text. Texting fits into a busy schedule, and it takes only a few seconds to respond to a text message. 

Ask your customers to leave a card on file when they’re checking their pets in. At the end of service, you and your staff members can prompt them with a text like this:

Hey, [Name]!! We had such a blast with [Pet’s Name] this week. Your current balance is [$300], would you like to pay for it with the card we have on file?

Yes, sounds good, thanks for letting me know!

When you make paying a breeze, you’ll make life easier for you and for your customers…and you’ll keep that revenue flowing!

6. Increase Your Positive Online Reviews.

Why should you focus on increasing your online reviews? Not only do positive reviews look good for your business, but they also increase your online reputation and help you stand out from your local competition. 

So, how do you work towards this?

Text your customers a direct link to your review page! Google is the best place to start, but there are other great options such as Facebook or Yelp. After the service is completed, send a friendly text to your customers asking for their feedback, like this:

Thank you, [Name], for choosing [Pet Boarding Business]. If you enjoyed our services, would you mind leaving us a review on our [Google/Facebook/Yelp] review page? Here’s a direct link: [Link]. We hope to see you again soon!

No problem, I’ll get that done!

Make the review process seamless with texting and you’ll have an easier time getting the feedback you need to build your reputation.

Texting is a valuable communication tool to add to your existing customer service efforts. Start texting today to boost your pet boarding business! 


1. 107 Texting Statistics That Answer All Your Questions. (2016, May, 24). Text Request.

Jessica Ayre is a content marketing specialist at Text Request, a business texting solution. If your boarding business wants to start texting customers, Text Request can give you all the tools and resources you need to create a safe and successful text messaging strategy.